I graduated from the Madrid Royal Conservatory of Dance in 2012 after studying the ballet career. Immediately after, I joined Ballet Mainz to do an internship during the 2012-2013 season under Pascal Touzeau's direction.
In 2013, back in Madrid, I started to take workshops with international artists, slowly diving into deepen aspects of contemporary dance. During that period I still collaborated with independent dance companies like caraBdanza, and choreographers like Ana Catalina Román. In 2016, I started to work for Proart, an important dance institution in Queretaro (Mexico). As part of my duties there, I taught ballet classes, choreographed for the young company, and performed at events and festivals such as Ibérica Contemporánea (2017 edition). In addition to my job at Proart, I collaborated with regional artists, especially with the dance company Veozdanza, led by Rayito Zamudio. An excerpt of one of the pieces I did with Veozdanza, won first place at the Ibérica Contemporánea Dance Competition.
During my time in Mexico, I missed working full-time as a dancer and exploring the endless possibilities of movement languages, so I decided to focus back on that and I joined the BODYTRAFFIC Spring Workshop 2017. After that experience, I quit my job in Mexico for the next season to immerse myself in the United States dance style. I took classes with BODYTRAFFIC, Millenium Dance Complex, Eden Studios in Los Angeles and Peridance Center and Steps on Broadway in New York.
In 2018 I came back to Madrid to start the Bachelor of Contemporary Dance and Choreography at the Conservatory María de Ávila, but without giving up freelance jobs as a dancer, teacher, and choreographer. During this time, I was funded to create Cartes postales d'un migrant, a collaboration with the musician Pepe Pereira and the dance company Led Silhouette, led by Jony López and Martxel Rodríguez. We presented a part of the piece to the Young Artist Competition in Madrid, where we won another first prize. Along with this production and my studies, I worked as a choreographer and movement director for Igloo Productions between 2018 and 2020 and as a teacher for the ACADE dance professional exams.
Unfortunately, a knee injury stopped me for six months, but after my recovery process, the wish to learn more and get in touch with different artists brought me to Mannheim in 2020. I first participated in the Artistic Development Program in Freiburg, and one month later I began working in the opera Wozzeck at the Staatstheater Karlsruhe until the lockdown started. Despite the pandemic, I collaborated performing some solos with the Nostostanztheater dance company in Heidelberg. Furthermore, my solo piece States was selected to be part of the dance festivals Solo Coreografico and ZUKUNFT TANZ in Frankfurt. In October of that year I finally decided to be based in Mannheim, where I keep working not just as a dancer, but also as a teacher and a choreographer.
Since I´m based in Mannheim, I worked and performed in different venues and with different artists, constantly learning from each one of them. Some of these artists are Eric Trottier, Michelle Cheung, Julie Pécard, Sade Mamedova, Magdalena Weniger, Pablo Sansalvador, Miriam Markl, Crystal Schüttler, Amelia Eisen, Richard Oberserven... Most of them are part of the professional dance association "Flux e.V.", of which I have been an active member since 2023, participating in different events like the "Shared Spaces" Festival in 2023.
As a teacher, I teach contemporary dance in Dance Professional Mannheim, Aki Kato Tanzstudio, or Eintanzhaus. Besides all these works, my PROFCAST project was funded by Dachverband Tanz Deutschland within the program DIS-TANZEN, where I developed the podcast format as a supportive training tool for professional dancers.
I combined my professional activity with my studies, finishing my Dance Bachelor's in 2023. Therefore,
I´m now focused on polishing and developing my own artistic language while keeping my role as a performer and teacher. This is possible thanks to the support I receive from different institutions, like Theaterfestival Schwindelfrei 2023, ProFitArt, EinTanzHaus, and Theater Felina-Areal. My first full-length creation "A harmless little show" premiered on the 1st of November in EinTanzHaus, Mannheim, and this project is possible because of the funding support of the Landesverband Freie Tanz- and Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg (LaFT BW) e.V., the Cultural Office of the City of Mannheim, the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Foundation and EinTanzHaus.
Since January 2024 I´m also engaged as a dancer in Volkstheater Rostock while I keep choreographing and dancing for the independent dance scene in Mannheim.